Orders are usually shipped within 2-3 business days. Shipping charges are based on the weight and materials of the order and will be shipped using UPS. If you have an account with a specific shipping carrier and would like to use that, please call us at 800-544-1307 to place your order.
PLEASE NOTE: Customers shipping to Canadian addresses are responsible for any additional delivery charges and/or service fees.
Products purchased on www.rutland.com that have not been damaged or used may be returned within 30 days for a full refund. All other returns will be considered on a per order basis. Rutland Products reserves the right to limit returns regardless of receipt. Please call Rutland Products at 800-544-1307 in order to set up a return. Original shipping charges are not refundable and return shipping charges must be paid by the customer. Rutland Products is not responsible for returns until they are received by the manufacturing plant. For items purchased with a credit or debit card, refunds will be credited back to the card used for the original purchase. For items purchased with a check, refunds will be mailed via check.
All RUTLAND Products are covered by a minimum 12-month warranty. Products that are found to be defective within this time frame will be replaced or refunded at purchased price. Please contact the RUTLAND Customer Service Department at 800-544-1307 for specific product warranties.
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